
product name :

Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa ) belongs to the family Malvaceae, locally called “karkade”, is an important annual crop grown successfully in tropical and sub-tropical climates.

Type : Dried



  • Moisture content 12% max.
  • Color Purple- Red
  • Extract content 41%min.
  • Protein content 5% max.
  • Ash & mineral salts 10% max
  • Impurities 2% max
  • Vitamins C (as cerbicacid) 80—100mg/100gm.
  • Natural pigment more than 1 1/2mg/100grms.
  • Reducing sugar 12%max.
  • Hibiscus (Dry flower) Fiber 15%mini.
  • Carbohydrates
  • Total acids 25—-30%.

Packing :

20 kg or 22kg polypropylene (PP) bag.


Delivery methods :

by see through portsudan



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